30 Days Journal - Day 1

I am a terrible journal-er. As an exercise to become better, I decided to do a 30 day journal challenge for myself. Just like during my quarantine, I am using Isolation Journals for daily journal prompt.

Prompt: Figure out your “fun age,” meaning the common age of those who enjoy the same activities as you. Invite some friends to do the same, and then compare lists. You might discover some new ways to enjoy your time with old friends.

What is my fun age? As I am approaching the big 3-0, I keep thinking what could that be. I am thankful that most of my friends are still in the same stage in their life and career as me - living their best life. My most enjoyed activities include running, drawing, travelling, eating, and exploring the world. I live a pretty active lifestyle where I exercise 6 days a week and I try to soak in as much sun as possible during the summer (the winter is a bit bleak in Canada) and lay around as much as possible during the winter curl up with a good book. I think a fun age for me changes every few years. In my early 20s, I have always love to go out but then I realize I enjoy talking to friends more than the partying itself. When I moved to France and Singapore, I realize how much I missed the nature and the great outdoors.

For me, constantly challenging my mind is a fun activity. I recently signed up for a neuroscience course and the last time I went near anything that resembled biology was more than 10 years ago, in a psychology course called “Human Brains”. To be honest, I struggled so much with the content yet somehow I still find my self thoroughly interested. What a shame that I chose not to pursuit the science path when I was deciding on my career.

I think the “fun age” constantly changes, especially now a days. One of my closest friends is 8 years older but our wavelength hits perfectly. On the other spectrum, I am my baby cousin’s favourite mate when I visit him, and he is 16. We get mistaken as a couple because we goof around so much. But also I’m not sure what to make of it when 16 year olds think I’m 16. I also recently received the feedback that I am not extroverted enough for certain type of work, meanwhile if I worked anywhere else in the world I am too extroverted and doesn’t seem professional enough. So it is so hard to put an actual number on this “fun age” as it is much more subjective than objective. In the end, I think my fun age is always going to be the age that I am in.


30 Days Journal - Day 2


Quarantine Journals - BONUS