30 Days Journal - Day 7
I am a terrible journal-er. As an exercise to become better, I decided to do a 30 day journal challenge for myself. Just like during my quarantine, I am using Isolation Journals for daily journal prompt.
Prompt: Set a timer for one minute and make a list of all the things that help you feel creatively unlocked—the sources you reach for, the tools you need, the objects that inspire you, the workspace and routines that feel generative.
Music - This has always been one of my favourite things to play in the background while I am creating. Generally I either listen to music with no lyrics but just beats or listen to Korean cafe music (I don’t speak any Korean). When I am writing or need some brain capacity for focus, then having no lyrics or at least lyric I would not understand playing in the background will help me focus tasks on hand. But this is strictly for creativity process. If I am learning something or building something really intense, I generally prefer no noise.
Podcast/ Netflix - Or YouTube or audio book in the background is great when I am drawing. Only when I am drawing. It is almost like I have two brains, one is drawing and one watching/listen to an exciting show. I have gotten past many Netflix series this way. I think this was a habit I developed during school, when the teacher are lecturing - if I don’t need to pay attention too intensely (if the material is not difficult), then I would begin doodling. I can only really doodle (well) when there is a conversation or a voice in the background. I have doodle many times while on phone calls.
Pencil - I used to love pencils and would doodle on any surface (desks, textbooks, notebooks) because I can always erase it afterward as if nothing has happened here. It might more of lack of confidence on what I have created or maybe just a comfort level I have been.
Notebook - I had a previous post about my love for Notebooks. I am a terrible note taker. Not in a way that I don’t take notes but in a way that it is only understandable by me. It’s like arrows everywhere, connected to everything. I have symbols that is recognizable by me but would not be so easy to figure out. You should really see how I used to study for exams, it’s literally sheets and sheets of randomly drawn diagrams and keywords.
Comfortable environment - I think just like many others, I need to be in a comfortable environment to be create. Generally light, especially sunlight, is one of the necessities. Then it is warmth and maybe a beverage beside me. Lastly, when there is no time limit. For example, I don’t have an appointment immediately afterward. Having to be in a schedule gives me a bit of anxiety sometimes and it often feels like my creativity is being limited.