Recos Corner: March Books

I have a bit of an issue with buying books… and because I moved so much in the 16 months, I have quite a few books that have literally travelled the globe (from North America to Europe to Asia). I also have a habit of starting a book and somewhat abandon them, not because they are not good, but simply because I get easily distracted.

Since I am going to travel so much in the up coming year, I decided to finish as many books as possible in January. Recos Corner will include both reading and audio books, and I will try to stay away from the synopsis of book as those can easily be google-able. I like to a variety of different genres of books and will try to offer a few options for the monthly recommendation.

This month’s theme: the other 50% of the population


Invisible Women

Caroline Cariado Perez

In honour of International Women’s Day, I thought I bring you two books about women. This is a great non-fiction about data. Similar to last month’s recommendation - this not a book geared toward women but simply identify many data gaps in society today and how if we acknowledge them we can make changes to make the world truly gender neutral. It is a fascinating book that points out many things we took for granted day to day is not as simple as it should be.


82년생 김지영 (Kim JiYoung, Born 1982)

Cho Nam-Joo

It is one of the quickest read and laid out in an interesting format. It is technically a fictional book about a fictional person yet it could easily be a non-fiction. As a woman, I think every woman either experience something similar or know of someone else who have similar episodes that of Kim JiYoung’s life. I can’t really explain the book but let’s put it that way that it is an incredibly controversial in Korea. Why? You will have to find out yourself. There is also a movie out with Jung YuMi and Gong Yoo, the format is a bit different than the book and I would recommend the book even if you saw the movie already.


Recos Corner: Camino de Santiago


Things to Know: in Paris