Recos Corner: January Books
I have a bit of an issue with buying books… and because I moved so much in the 16 months, I have quite a few books that have literally travelled the globe (from North America to Europe to Asia). I also have a habit of starting a book and somewhat abandon them, not because they are not good, but simply because I get easily distracted.
Since I am going to travel so much in the up coming year, I decided to finish as many books as possible in January. Recos Corner will include both reading and audio books, and I will try to stay away from the synopsis of book as those can easily be google-able. I like to a variety of different genres of books and will try to offer a few options for the monthly recommendation.
This month’s theme: Try Something New
Yuval Noah Harari
I think enough critics were given online for this book but this is a great read especially because I don’t normally like non-fictional books.
時計館の殺人 (Tokeikan no Satsujin)
The Clock Mansion Murders
Ayatsuji Yukito
If the title hasn’t given’t away, it’s a mystery novel. Ayatsuji is one of the most renown mystery writers in Japan. The murder mansion series is one of Ayatsuji’s most famous group of works. This one in particular was one of my first Japanese mystery novels, and I still remember the vivid description of some of the scenes. I read this book in Chinese translation but I do believe there are English version of the novel and if you can get yourself a copy - I would highly recommend it to get a glimpse of Japanese mystery.