Recos Corner: February Books

I have a bit of an issue with buying books… and because I moved so much in the 16 months, I have quite a few books that have literally travelled the globe (from North America to Europe to Asia). I also have a habit of starting a book and somewhat abandon them, not because they are not good, but simply because I get easily distracted.

Since I am going to travel so much in the up coming year, I decided to finish as many books as possible in January. Recos Corner will include both reading and audio books, and I will try to stay away from the synopsis of book as those can easily be google-able. I like to a variety of different genres of books and will try to offer a few options for the monthly recommendation.

This month’s theme: L’amour



Christian Rudder

Since it’s February, I thought I stick to the theme of love - it’s a fascinating non-fictional book about online dating. It might be a little outdated since it is about OkCupid (what’s that?), but I believe the data trend still hold true on many levels. It is a light read and the data presented are very telling on our behaviours - even if you’re in a deeply committed relationship, think of it as a better understanding of our online identities.


The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Heather Morris

I was not kidding about providing variety. It is a heavy heavy book and while finishing the book I sobbed like a baby on a train from Marseille back to Paris - the lady sitting beside me gave me her whole pack of tissues. It is a beautiful story about love and hope - and based on a true story. For anyone who are a bit scared of this type of book, there are moments where your heart clenches but it is absolutely worth getting through it - and the ending is not scary, promise!


Recos Corner: Patagonia


Reco Corner: Anime 1st Edition